10 Hacks to Losing Weight on the Mediterranean Diet

10 Hacks to Losing Weight on the Mediterranean Diet


The Mediterranean Diet is very popular around the world for many reasons. It is not a true diet, but more of a lifestyle change. Sustained weight loss happens when you make permanent changes that will ultimately affect your weight and health.

Wow, I love these tips to lose weight with the Mediterranean Diet! I can't wait to lose 5 pounds in a week. 

People who live in the Mediterranean and follow this “diet” have the following benefits:

·        Reduced risks of: depression, Alzheimer’s, cancer, cardiovascular disease

How can you lose weight on this diet?

1.      Eat Fruit Daily

The diet calls for three or more servings of fruit each day. Some easy ways to get your fruit daily are apple slices, grapes, or even dried fruit.

2.      Limit Sweets

On the Mediterranean diet (and on most diets), you must limit sweets to lose weight. Sweets and processed foods are high in fats that you don’t need.

3.      Eat Vegetables Daily

Try to eat a vegetable with each meal.

For example:

Breakfast- avocado slices on toast

Lunch- leafy mixed green salad

Dinner- okra, cabbage, carrots, etc.

4.      Limit Red Meat

On the diet, focus on fish and nuts as your sources of protein. Red meat should be eaten in small amounts.

5.      Choose olive oil to cook your foods.

6.      Eat 3 servings of fish or nuts a week

7.      Add exercise in your day

You should try to do some sort of exercise daily for at least 30 minutes. If your goal is weight loss, then you can focus on cardio exercises to help you burn fat.

8.      Eat More Leafy Greens

Add spinach, lettuce, and kale to your meals.

9.      Whole Grains Daily

Eat whole-grain breads/pastas each day.

10.   Use more herbs and spices in your foods

Reduce the use of salt in your food, and instead use herbs and spices as flavors. Try parsley, oregano, clove, cumin, chili powder, and pepper on your fish and in your foods.


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